Is Mednet HIPPA Compliant?

Yes, Mednet is HIPPA Compliant.

Will Mednet sell personal data?

No, per our terms of service Mednet will not sell your personal data.

Does Mednet support ePrescribing?

Yes, Mednet intends to support electronic prescriptions in Q3 of 2023.

How will a pracitioner be able to ePrescribe?

Pracitioner will establish an account with a 3rd party ePrescribing platform which will verify the practitioner’s identity, NPI and other information to allow for prescriptions to be sent electronically to pharmacies via Mednet.

Will practitioners be able to choose medications and pharmacies through ePrescribe?

Yes. Mednet’s third party ePrescribe platform will allow for choosing any pharmacy in its nationwide network, along with any medication available in the system.